Download demolition derby steam
Download demolition derby steam

This is the only mode in the game which breaks of from the main concept where wrecking cars and inflicting damage is awarded. The key element when playing this mode is to avoid inflicting damage to the car so possibility broken parts wont slow the player down when fighting for a place at the podium. Here, the only goal is to make first place or at least get into the best position possible. In this mode there is a standard racing track involved where the player races against the opponents, fighting over the the best position (just like most racing-games) as well as gaining the most points by smashing up and wrecking the opponents car. This is what makes Destruction Derby unique and so popular, but there are other modes in the game where different rules apply.ĭestruction Derby includes four basic modes which players can choose from.

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In the game, when a round is finished the winner is decided by having the most points or by being the only car still intact, just like the real-life sport. The winner of the “race” is the man who is left-standing with his car still intact - “Last Man Standing” kind of deal. The basic idea of Destruction Derby is based on a real-life sport which involves, again, wrecking the opponents car. The game was unlike most other racing-games at the time of release, since the point of the game is to wreck your opponents car to score points - a gameplay concept which was new to the racing-game industry at the time.

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Several other Destruction Derby games have been released over the years, but the most memorable and successful is unfortunately only Destruction Derby 2. The goal players have to achieve in the game is fairly simple, but the popularity of the game grew by the minute, which then resulted in Reflections releasing Destruction Derby 2, the second instalment in the successful franchise. The point of the game is to wreck your opponents car to score points. Since it's release in 1995 the game has been known for it's rather huge success and Reflections has later released several instalments based on the the original Destruction Derby.

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